A little bit about me.

This is a picture of me.

I am Eric Trigo, a freelance dev mainly focused on .NET, containers and the cloud.

I've never known life without computers, for better or worse. I learned how to code very early in my life, thanks to my dad and brother.

Although I've spent most of my career doing backend development based around the .NET ecosystem, these days you're more likely to find me fixing a broken CI/CD pipeline or deploying containers to a Kubernetes cluster.

This is a picture of El Pilar, in Zaragoza. I live in Saragossa, Spain, from where I work remotely.

Music is one of my biggest passions, which I inherited from my dad.

These songs put me in a good mood, I hope you like them too 😃

I have been playing guitar since I was little, and when I was younger I wrote a few songs.

Here's one I recorded many years ago, check it out!

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This is a picture of my dog, Kiwi.

Me and my partner have a little Dachshund. His name is Kiwi.

His size is inversely proportional to his evilness. He likes to help me code sometimes. If I lose track of him for one second he'll try to push to master directly, so I've learned to always keep my branches protected! 💣